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What Causes Low Testosterone in Men and What to Do About It

medical spa - low testosterone

Many men suffer from low testosterone levels, resulting in different symptoms and conditions. Low T is often seen as a problem that only men are affected by, but they still may not know how to treat it or what specifically caused the issue.  Testosterone refers to a hormone produced by the testes in males. It […]

8 Common Men’s Health Issues to Watch Out For

medical spa - mens health

Men, in general, should be proactive about maintaining their health. Preventative care is the key to a lifetime of healthy living. Unfortunately, many men don’t know how to identify the telltale signs of specific health issues and can miss out on an opportunity to prevent the disease from taking hold. Here are eight common mens […]

5 Ways Collagen Can Help Improve Your Health

5 Ways Collagen Improves Health | Lasting Impression Medical Spa

You’ve probably heard of collagen in your biology class or cosmetic products such as moisturizers. Collagen accounts for the highest protein levels in the human body, and it’s an important component of the body’s tendons, skin, connective tissue, skeletal muscle and nails. It gives the bones strength and elasticity to the skin. However, insufficiency of […]

A Modern Solution to Urinary Incontinence

Stress & Urge Urinary Incontinence | Lasting Impression Medical Spa

What is Urinary Incontinence?  If you clicked on this post you are likely already familiar with the basics of urinary incontinence, maybe you or a loved one is actively looking for solutions to address incontinence. Folks struggling with a loss of bladder control may experience tiny dribbles or complete emptying of their bladder, usually, this […]

PEP Factor: Still the Best for Skin Rejuvenation and Hair Regrowth

PEP Factor: Still the Best for Skin Rejuvenation and Hair Re-Growth | PEP Factor: Still the Best for Skin Rejuvenation and Hair Regrowth | Bergen County Medical Spa

What do Tiger Woods, Rafael Nadal, Troy Polamalu, LeBron James, Alex Rodriquez, and senior citizens have in common? These are categories of individuals that have all undergone a “PRP” injection treatment to help heal sprains, tears, and many other types of muscle-related injuries. Platelet-rich plasma has long been used to treat the pain, stiffness, and […]

What is Laser Therapy? Discover the Science Behind Flawless Skin!

Laser Skin Resurfacing Can it Really Reduce Wrinkles | Laser Skin Resurfacing: Can it Really Reduce Wrinkles? | Bergen County Medical Spa

Looking to improve your skin and look more beautiful? Try laser therapy at Lasting Impression Medical Aesthetics. It’s a cool treatment that can help you reach your beauty goals and enhance your natural beauty. What is Laser Therapy? Laser therapy uses focused light energy to improve your skin. It’s a simple, non-invasive process where special […]

Does Neogen Plasma Treatment Really Work? Facts and Figures

Does Neogen Plasma Treatment Really Work? Facts and Figures | Lasting Impression Medical Spa

Do you know what Neogen Plasma Treatment is? It’s a relatively new skin treatment that has been getting a lot of attention lately. People are wondering if Neogen Plasma Treatment really works and, if it does work, how long will the results last? In this blog post, we’ll give you some facts and figures about […]

Microneedling with PePfactor: It’s Safety and Efficacy Explained

Microneedling with PePfactor It's Safety and Efficacy Explained | Lasting Impression Medical Spa

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy (CIT), involves the use of a device that punctures the skin to create tiny channels in order to promote new cell growth. This process can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments for various skin conditions including acne scars and stretch marks. The introduction of PEPfactor® […]

Botox and CoViD Vaccine: Is there a Reaction?

Botox and CoViD Vaccine Is there a Reaction | Lasting Impression Medical Spa

Like many other medical vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccine has associated side effects upon introduction to the body. These include muscle pain around the injected area, fever, headaches, diarrhea, and fatigue. All the side effects are immunological reactions to the jab but not allergies or infections. Luckily, all side effects are short-lived and your body should […]

Why Emsculpt is the Best Abdominal Toning and Strengthening

Why Emsculpt is the Best Abdominal Toning and Strengthening |m Bergen County Medical Spa | Lasting Impression

Most people know that exercising is important, but they don’t always get the results they want. That’s because good exercise doesn’t just make your heart beat faster, it also makes it pump more blood to your muscles and organs. And when you strengthen those muscles with regular workouts, you will see a difference in how […]