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Smooth for Summer: Why You Should Invest in Laser Hair Removal


Who among us can honestly say that they have never accidentally injured themselves while shaving? Or did you experience some kind of irritation after having your hair waxed? Then there is the maintenance that you have to go through on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, which may really feel like a burdensome task. What if I told you there was a technique to have smooth skin all year round that did not require you to put in all of this effort? I’m not saying it’s permanent, but it will last a long time. In any case, there is! Remove unwanted hair with a laser. 

If there is no hair in the follicle, there is no pigment for the laser to convert to heat, which means the treatment will be ineffective; if the hair in the follicle is unshaven, the energy from the laser will be wasted on the length of the hair rather than making its way deeper into the follicle, which makes the treatment pointless. Shaving the area before your treatment is required, and waxing is not permitted in between sessions. The typical number of sessions required is between six and ten, however, this number varies from person to person because, after all, we are all one-of-a-kind individuals. 

The benefits of removing hair using a laser far outweigh any potential drawbacks. The results are more long-lasting (with maintenance) than those of the majority of other methods of hair removal, such as shaving or waxing, when the hair will typically begin to grow back again just a short time afterward. After undergoing laser hair removal, you will have more spare time on your hands to devote to the pursuits that bring you pleasure. Although you may initially believe that the cost of a laser treatment course is high, you will realize that throughout the course of treatment, you will really wind up saving money. Consider it an investment you are making in yourself.  Laser treatment could appear to be expensive at first, but in the long run, it typically ends up saving clients money. 

Waxing costs women an average of $21,506 over the course of their lifetimes, whereas shaving costs women an average of $8,855. These figures come from research conducted by BMI Healthcare. The cost of laser treatment might change based on the size of the region that has to be treated, as well as the number of sessions that are required. Individual treatments at Lasting Impression cost anywhere from $49 to $352, and the prices of the various treatment packages range from $150 to $454. When you buy a treatment course, you will receive a sizeable discount, which means that the more sessions you have, the more money you will save; the prices for treatment courses start at just $265 here.  This is also a lot more sustainable solution for those of us who are more environmentally conscious, as it avoids the need for single-use plastics (such as disposable razors), making it an excellent choice for hair removal. Laser hair removal is an excellent option for you if you have ever struggled with ingrown hairs, razor burns, or dry skin, as all of these conditions can occur simultaneously. These vexing and excruciating issues are addressed directly by the laser, which is directing its focus on the follicle in that area. 

We are now able to treat all varieties of skin using the majority of our devices. Because we are able to target undesirable hairs without causing damage to the color of the skin, even those with darker skin tones can be treated. The procedure will not be successful for you, unfortunately, if you wish to get rid of hairs that are gray or light blonde and you have those types of hair. If there is no pigment, there is nothing for the laser to detect and hence nothing for it to target, rendering the treatment ineffective. 

However, there are rigorous aftercare regulations that you will need to follow in order to decrease the chance of consequences. Although there is no downtime associated with laser hair removal, you will need to follow these restrictions. Avoiding strong exfoliating products on the day of your treatment as well as for the subsequent 48 hours, swimming and strenuous exercise (anything that may cause excessive sweating), deodorants (for 24 hours only if the underarms have been treated), and sun exposure for the first five days after treatment are all part of the aftercare instructions. A week before your treatment, you will need to abstain from using fake tan and sunbeds, as well as direct sun exposure (be sure to apply sunscreen with a UV protection factor of at least 30 on the regions that will be treated). Additionally, you are not allowed to use retinol for a week before and after your treatment.   

If you think that Laser Hair Removal might be an option for you and if it is something that you would want to learn more about, then please do not hesitate to call our clinic and inquire about coming in for a consultation and patch test with one of our highly trained Aesthetic Therapists if this is something that you are interested in learning more about.  



We are a Medical Aesthetic Spa located in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. 

Dr. Galope has personally identified a comprehensive menu of services which will work together to enhance your natural beauty.  


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